Amabere ga Nyina Mwiru, loosely translated as “breasts of Nyinamwiru” is a remarkable historical site in western Uganda. The caves are located about 10km west of Fort Portal city. The main cave is small and supported by pillar-like structures. When you see these caves, you will be compelled to believe the myths because the rocks are a real reminiscent of a woman’s breasts. Geologically speaking, the breast-like features are what they call stalactites, which are icicle-shaped formations that hang from the ceiling of a cave.

In this case, these stalactites were produced by the precipitation of limestone from water dripping through the cave ceiling. Through the same formation process, stalagmites are also brought into existence, and these are an upward-growing mound of limestone deposits that have precipitated from water dripping onto the floor of a cave.

It is nestled between several trees and a beautiful water falls.

For the cultural enthusiasts, there is a rich cultural history attached to these rocks which form scenic caves with streams of water above them causing refreshing waterfalls. The Batoro ( the tribe located in this area) have a strong belief attached to these caves with an interesting myth told through the generations about them. The caves were named after King Bukuku’s daughter named Nyinamwiru. King Bukuku was one of the ancient Kings of the Batembuzi Dynasty that ruled that time and were believed to be demi-gods by their subjects, often disappearing to the under ground at given times. The princess was a beautiful young lady who had a strong personality. She refused to marry the man her father the King had chosen for her as was the custom in the day preferring to choose her own spouse.

This greatly infuriated the King and his subjects who could not understand how anyone could disobey the King. The King then ordered that her breasts be cut off because of her disobedience, this would then ensure that she would never get married to whoever she would choose and never be able to nurse children. It is strongly believed that the scenic rocks in this location are her breasts oozing milk since that day.

According to another legend, the caves acquired the name after King Bukuku of Bunyoro chopped off the breasts of his daughter, Nyinamwiru and had them thrown inside these caves, following a prophecy that the daughter would one day get married and have a son, Ndahura, who would kill the king and take over his throne.

Amabere ga Nyina Mwiru
Amabere ga Nyina Mwiru

The king was not pleased to hear this prophesy so cutting off his daughter’s breasts was an attempt to deform her so men wouldn’t be attracted to her, little knowing that she was already pregnant with a boy child.

Upon giving birth, the king made a second attempt to avert this prophecy by ordering the child to be killed. However, the people who were instructed to execute these orders just dumped the child in the caves where her mother’s breasts had been earlier dumped.

These spectacular attractions can be visited at anytime of the year and day, because whether it is dry or rainy season, then trails are always slippery. It is advisable to wear strong hiking boots that will support you as you hiking though the slippery paths to the caves and waterfalls, long trousers are also ideal, long sleeved shirts are also important, light poncho, sweater, back pack to carry your cameras and binoculars, drinking water and snacks and a hat.

Activities at Amabere ga Nyina Mwiru.

You can hike to the top of Nyakasura hil and enjoy a marvelous view of the Crater lakes. There are also arrangements for forest guided walks to learn more about the rich history of the are. and for those who like to sleep in the great outdoors, there’s a campsite for that.

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