Facts About Gorillas : Gorillas are herbivorous and ground dwelling great apes that inhabit the tropical forests of equatorial Africa. In fact, gorillas share 98 of their genetic

More so, gorillas are gentle giants and display many human-like behaviors and emotions such as laughter and sadness.

They stick to a mainly vegetarian diet, feeding on stems, bamboo shoots and fruits. However, they also have an appetite for termites.

 Gorillas are primates which contain the largest of the apes.

Gorilla is one of the closest living relatives to humans

 They are largest of all primates

Gorillas are divided into two species, the eastern gorilla known as Gorilla beringei and the western gorilla ‘’ Gorilla gorilla’’. Each species is divided into two groups that us; Four gorilla subspecies known as eastern lowland gorillas, eastern mountain gorillas, western lowland gorillas and western cross river gorillas.

Gorillas are very social animals who live in groups. They spend a lot of time moving around their habitat in family groups known as ‘’Troops’’. Each troop contains up to 30 gorilla individuals, including a dominant male, several females and their young offspring.

Gorillas can weigh over 200kilograms and stand as tall as an average human. They are herbivores species which can eat up to 30 kilograms per day. To some subspecies have been known to eat insects and snails.

Adult male gorillas are known as silverbacks. The most powerful males which weight more than 10 times stronger than an average human.  They can tear down banana trees, bend iron bars and bite with more power than a lion. Due to their energy can use full strength when they feel threatened.

They are very clever and have been recorded making and using tools!  Well, scientists have made research about wild gorillas tend to use sticks to work out the depth of rivers and streams, making ladders from bamboo to help baby gorillas access the treetops and even cutlery from twigs. This helps them to scoop up and snack on stinging insects.

Gorillas can live up to 40 years old and have lots of time to learn.

They have nose prints which are as unique as human fingerprints.

Primatologist Dr. Dian Fossey famously studied these gorgeous creatures. Due to building up a research Centre, Dian had to give gorillas names and learnt about their personalities. She truly did a great work of protecting gorillas from poaching.

Facts About Gorillas
Mountain Gorilla

A captive gorilla called ‘Koko’ learned sign language! She used to spend much time with gorillas where she got to learn over 1,000 signs and was able to understand more than 2,000 English words.

Sadly, gorillas are critically endangered and usually face biggest threat of habitat destruction. This leave gorillas with fewer safe spaces to live. Due to their natural habitat declines, gorillas have to venture closer to areas where humans live. They are more likely to catch human diseases.

 They cozy up at night.

Mountain gorillas can eat all day long, around 85% of their diet is made up of leaves, shoots and stems.

They have 16 different types of call. For example, they short barks when they’re mildly alarmed, the male gorillas strut with stiff with legs, beat their chests and use vocalizations like roars or hoots.

However, conservation effort is working hand in hand to save mountain gorillas. Recently their population were recorded over 1065 individual in the wild.

Mountain gorillas can be seen in three Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo. Of which Uganda is gifted with two gorilla National Parks that are; Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park and Virunga National Park.

Mountain gorilla trekking permits; Uganda gorilla trekking permit costs USD700per person per day, Rwanda costs 1,500 and Virunga National Park in Congo.

Gorilla gears; Long sleeved shirt and trousers, enough drinking water and snacks, warm clothes, comfortable hiking shoes, hand gloves, long cotton shocking, brimmed hat, sunglasses among others.

book a gorilla safari