How do gorillas look like? Facts about, Mountain gorillas are unique mammal species that have muscular arms, a massive chest, dark skin and black-grey hair, and broad hands and feet. They have long hair and shorter arms than their lowland cousins.  More so, gorillas have thick black hair that helps them insulate from cold weather.

Male gorillas acquire silver-gray saddles across their backs and upper thighs at sexual maturity, earning them the name silverback. This silver gray area breaks up their dark coloration, creating an optical illusion of creased length and larger size.

Male Mountain gorillas may grow to six feet tall and weigh between 350 and 500 pounds. As the males mature, the hair on their back turns silver in color, giving them the name silverbacks, giving them the name silverbacks. And an adult male gorilla may weigh ten times stronger than stronger humans.  However, a silverback’s arm can stretch 7 feet wide.

Mountain gorillas communicate through sounds like shouts, grunts, and roars.

Adult gorillas can consume up to 75 pounds of flowers, bamboo, leaves, fruit, roots, and shoots that can be eaten as they move around the forest.

While eating gorillas can sing and hum. Singing seems to be a way for gorillas to express pleasure with their meal as well as for the head of the family ‘’silverback’’ communicate to others that it is dinner time.

Other facts about mountain gorillas

Around the world, there are over 1,065 exist in the wild.

Gorillas live in two isolated groups Eastern and Western

Gorillas share around 98% of our DNA with gorillas

Mountain gorillas are one of the biggest, most powerful living primates.

They can eat all day long

They cozy up at night and have 16 different types of calls.

They live in family groups of around 11 to 30 individuals including one dominant male and several females. Both males and females in the group provide care for their infants; hugging, carrying, and playing with them , How Do Gorillas Look Like?

Mountain gorillas like cozying up at night, and sleeping together in nests on the ground that they make from foliage.

They have 16 different types of calls including short barks when they’re mildly alarmed.

Gorillas have a life span of over 40 years old.

How Do Gorillas Look Like?
How Do Gorillas Look Like?

Mountain gorillas are one of the closest living relatives after chimpanzees and bonobos. They share between 95% and 99% of our DNA.

 Why do gorillas beat their chest?

The reason why gorillas beat their chest is to attract females and intimidate rival males.

How intelligent is a gorilla?

Gorillas are considered highly intelligent because they have been taught a subset of sign language. They can laugh, grieve and develop strong family bonds, make and use tools and think about the past and future.

Why do gorillas avoid eye contact?

Naturally, gorillas are very shy creatures like shy humans, staring directly into the eyes of gorilla make them feel uncomfortable and when disrupted by your direct eye contact, they can charge aggressively at you to defend themselves, How Do Gorillas Look Like?

Are gorillas friendly?

Gorillas are gentle giants and display many humans like behavior and emotions.

What to do if gorillas attack you?

When the gorilla is charged, you are advised not to run away because the gorillas will run after you and attack you rather you are advised to provide distance between you and the gorilla without making sudden movements, step back slowly and get off the scene, How Do Gorillas Look Like?.

How difficult is gorilla trekking in Uganda?

Gorilla trekking experience is relatively difficult depending on one’s body fitness levels because it involves walking –hiking through a thick green forested area, valley, hills, and swamps.

book a gorilla safari