Sport Fishing in Uganda

Sport Fishing in Uganda : Sport fishing is a very fun, relaxing and an excitement activity that makes a great time on holiday, something referred to as recreational fishing. While commercial fishing intended for profit and food. Sport fishing is just a fun activity and best enjoyed in the evening hours as you relax your mind.

Sport fishing is one of the best way of spending time on your holiday vacation. And the reason why people love fishing as a hobby is because of the quietness of the water. Being quiet and tranquility is great encounter for refreshing one’s mind and it brings excitement. Along your Uganda safaris tour with the family or friends, you can choose to do healthy competition of catching the biggest fish.

In Uganda where sport fishing is done, you’re free to catch your fish back for the meal. This is about the species you have caught and what the conservation rules concerned. Your guide can inform you more about the specific needs of each fishing spot.

Uganda hosts over 350 species of fish some of them are tilapia and Nile perch are the most fished commercially for profit. The big Nile perch here can grow big up to 200 kilograms. Other caught fish species include; Barabel, Tiger fish, Catfish, Ferocious fighter, Lungfish and protopterus many more. The most caught fish on Uganda fishing safari is tilapia which can be caught on Ssese island, you can enjoy the taste of the snack fish and it is most caught in Murchison falls.

Places to do Sport Fishing

Murchison Falls National Park

The park is Uganda’s largest home rich in diversity of wildlife species, located North West of Kampala, estimating 4 hours’ drive. Fishing here is visited all year around but the best time to enjoy it is during peak season ‘’drier seasons’’ of December to March and June to October. In Murchison Falls National Park, sport fishing can be done on the banks of the River Nile that passing through the park.

It can be done in the evening hours near Paraa safari lodge and at Karuma falls next to Chobe safari lodge. They can be accessed by use of boats or hike down the sides of the fall to reach the rock beneath these falls.

Along your fishing Uganda safari, endeavor to carry your own equipment’s or else you can hire them at the lodge such as Casting lures, live bait, spinning and hooks. Uganda Sport Fishing Permit costs at 50 USD per day.

Sport fishing is done by the help of local guide who takes you through the fishing process, you can decide to take quite an adventure through competition with your partners.

Sport Fishing in Uganda
Sport Fishing in Murchison

Lake Victoria

Lake Victoria has clear water that is rewarding for sport fishing, above all, the lake is the biggest water body in Africa that is shared by three of the East African Countries. Which can be done in Jinja the second developed town after Kampala, from Kampala it takes 2 hours’ drive to access Jinja. There are high chances of catching tilapia weighing 1 to 2 kilograms by use of fly fishing methods.

Along Lake Victoria, there are two fishing tour session, starts at 9 am to 12pm and 1pm to 5 pm. Around this time the sun can be out and therefore you’re advised to hire a boat with a sun shed and please pack some sunscreen.

Due to the size of the lake, there is no specific area for fishing. The spotting site depends on the weather conditions. On your fishing day, you will use speed boat 18 to 30 feet that can carry up to 4 people.

Essentials to carry to enjoy your fishing boat include rain jackets, life jackets, first air box, mobile phones, fire extinguisher, flares, Cooler with cold drinks.

Lake Mburo National Park

In Lake Mburo national park, fishing can be done at Maziga, where you need to buy a permit from the Uganda Wildlife Authority. Fishing can be done by help of trained tour guide.

You are advised to carry your own fishing equipment and over five fish species are caught here. The most common caught fish is the tilapia.

Ssese Island

The Ssese Island is located about 51 kilometers from Entebbe and consists of more than 80 beautiful Islands with thrilling white beach sands and fresh water free from bilharzia.

Sport Fishing in Uganda
Sport Fishing in Uganda

Apart from fishing adventure, there are more activities you can engage in such as birding, boat cruise, biking, forest exploration. Along the shores its where you can do fishing activity, type of fish species caught here include tilapia, Lungfish, Nile perch. Fishing is the best economic activity on Ssese Island and fishermen do trade to the nearby town of Kalangala.

Sipi Falls

This stunning falls lies at the slopes of Mountain Elgon, providing great sights and rewarding fishing. Fishing permits can be secured from Sipi River lodge and you will have to carry your own fishing gears.

Fishing at Sipi falls can be done at the banks of the falls we use of hooks, babblers, sinkers, fishing rods, fish bait, nose pliers and fishing ledgers many more. He most common caught fish here is the rainbow trout fish –a colorful fish but hard to be caught.

The biggest trout weigh up to 3 kilograms. You will be guided by the trained local tour guide as the best way to catch the rainbow trout and the best way to enjoy this activity.

Book now to Uganda’s Sport Fishing an activity quite enjoyable and meditative on African continent.

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