Wildlife Viewing in Murchison Falls National Park : Wildlife viewing in Murchison Falls National Park; Animal in Murchison Falls National Park are often seen while on a boat safari and during game drives in the park. Such commonly animals to see include; Giraffes, Buffaloes, Uganda kobs, Bushbucks, Elephants, Hartebeests, Oribs, waterbucks, warthogs, hyenas many more. Though, the high chances of seeing the big cats like leopards and lions is in the early morning game drive before these cats they return to their hideouts. Since Murchison Falls National Park has the largest area dotted with a tropical rain forest a home to several primates known as Kaniyo pabidi forest –habitat to unique endangered chimpanzees, patas monkeys, Blue monkeys, Red tailed monkeys, Olive baboons, Black and white colobus monkeys many more.

More fact, Murchison Falls National Park is known as the oldest and largest national park among the ten national parks in Uganda. It is a landmark of 76 mammal species includes big four of the big 5African mammals and other species and truly a birding site.

Murchison Falls National Park was gazette as a national park in 1952 and covers an area of about 3834 square kilometers. It was named by the prominent European explore Sir Samuel Baker and it was named after the existence of Murchison Falls. The park boosts with over 76 mammal species, 450 bird species ,10 species of primates ,250 butterflies ,500 tree species many more.

Wildlife in Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park hosts over 76 mammal species, which can be seen roaming in an open savannah woodland area of the park. The park is a highlight of the big cats and other animal species to see includes; Uganda kobs, Bohor reedbuck, Hartebeest, warthogs, hippos, crocodiles, bush bucks among others. Best spotted in an open 4-wheel safari vehicle.

Primates; Murchison Falls National Park is also a home to over 10 species of primates, which can be viewed in Kaniyo Pabidi forest. The commonly spotted primates include over 800 endangered chimpanzee individuals, red tailed monkeys, grey checked mangabey, blue monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, olive baboons many more. Besides being a home to various primate species. Budongo forest also sounds as the oldest natural forest in Uganda and home to tallest Mahogany tree species in East Africa. Along this forest, you can do Chimpanzee tracking and habituation experience. There is also an opportunity of game viewing around the forest such animals include buffaloes, elephant, bush pigs and viewing of beautiful landscape.

Birdlife; Many tourists to Murchison Falls National Park may think that the park is only home for big game animals and primates not knowing that it’s also home for birding haven with various bird species. Bird species to see here are categorized based on the natural habitats such as water birds, savannah birds, forest birds, Albertine birds among others.

Wildlife Viewing in Murchison Falls National Park
Birding in Murchison Falls N.P

Murchison Fall National Park is home to more than 450 bird species along your birding safari, you will have a chance of spotting prehistoric bird as the shoebill stork.  Other endemic and special birds in Murchison Fall National park such as Yellow foot kingfisher, White thighed ground hornbill, gonoleks, goliath bird many more. Other spotted bird species include; headed lapwing, Black-billed Barbet, Long-toed plover, Rock pratincole, Veracious Dove, Weaver birds, Long –tailed Nightjar, Martial Eagle, Silver bird, Blue-headed Coucal, Standard winged Nightjar, Saddle –billed stork, Swamp Flycatcher, Senegal Thick Knee many more.

Murchison Falls National Park is truly unmatched wilderness of wildlife species and spectacular scenery of land scape. You can visit the park throughout the year and enjoy a great wildlife viewing experience thus having unforgettable encounter on the African continent known as ‘’the Pearl of Africa’’.

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